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How to Stay Strong in Your New Year’s Resolutions


New Year’s Day has come and gone, and with February on the horizon, many of us have already started to loosen the reigns on our once seemingly-steadfast new year’s resolutions. The Washington Post reported last year that 25% of people who make new year’s resolutions break their promises for self-improvement within the first 7 days.

So what’s the most common resolution to be made and then broken? At an overwhelming majority, it’s for “improved health and weight loss goals.”

Experts say the main reason we often fail to stick to our healthy resolutions is because we are too vague in outlining what we want, and we lack a clear plan for how to get there. Committing to a healthier lifestyle can be challenging, but armed with specific resolutions and the appropriate tools to motivate you (like the ones I’ve put together below), you can greatly increase your chances of living a happier and healthier 2016.

Tip 1: Commit to an Exercise Routine

Finding the self-motivation to start that new exercise regimen can be difficult enough, even worse if you find yourself battling crowds just to use a treadmill at one of the now jam-packed gyms. Going for a walk or run around your neighbourhood is a great alternative that will get your blood pumping and help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

With these early winter nights, you’ll want to make sure you’re visible for night-time drivers. I’ve found that LED clip-on lights, like the Nite Ize SpotLit, serve as great companions when you want to get some fresh air after dark. They come in Lime or Pink, include strobe settings, and will easily clip to your clothing if you find yourself out in the evening hours. Taking your pup with you? Nite Ize PetLit has Fido covered as well.

Tip 2: Use Healthier Substitutions

After weeks of holiday indulgences, the new year becomes an exceptionally popular time for dietary repent. Switching over to a healthier culinary regime can leave you feeling deprived and often results in binge eating once your willpower grows weary. A painless way to ensure long-term adherence to your new goals is to gradually substitute out foods that are less-than-nutritious for healthier alternatives.

If you’re a pasta lover, one easy (and tasty) way to do this is by investing in a Spiral Cutter, like the Microplane Spiral Cutter or the Zyliss Julienne Peeler. Although remembering your veggies can be easier said than done when the weather cries comfort food, by replacing typical spaghetti noodles with spiral-cut zucchini, carrots, or squash, you’ll have a much easier time cutting extra calories without feeling like you’re missing out on your favourite flavours.

Tip 3: Portion Control

Many of us, even when we choose healthier foods, are still eating far more than we actually need to feel satisfied. Taking just a little bit of time to portion your meals appropriately before cooking can truly make a difference in keeping to your weight loss resolutions.

An easy way to keep track of how much you’re preparing is to weigh out your food in advance. The Escali Collapsible Bowl Scale is an incredibly useful tool when it comes to portion control. It measures out both liquids and solids in pounds, grams, millilitres, and fluid ounces. Its compact design allows the bowl to double as a lid for the scale, so it can be kept on a kitchen counter or stowed in a drawer when you’ve finished your meal prep.

Tip 4: Make it Interesting

One of the simplest approaches to sticking to your health and weight loss goals is to pay attention to the little ways we consume extra fats, sugars, and calories. Most people know the costs of drinking excessive amounts of soda, but still don’t want to rule out sweeter beverages entirely. One way to enjoy a sweet-tasting beverage without all the excess sugar is to try infusing water or teas.

The Quench Glass Infuser Bottle is a double-walled glass bottle that allows you to infuse water with fruits, herbs, teas, or anything else you may want to try mixing for a flavorful drink on the go. It’s straightforward to use and allows plenty of room for creativity. Some of the combinations I’ve enjoyed are grapefruit and rosemary, or strawberry with lime and mint.

Tip 5: Cut out the Excess

Calorie consumption can be largely cut back by paying attention to how you cook your food. Extra fats and oils sneakily add in ample calories we may not be accounting for, but having the appropriate kitchenware can eliminate or dramatically decrease our reliance on cooking fats.

The Denmark-based company ScanPan offers a variety of pans that make extra cooking oils as an option rather than a necessity. The trick is in the ceramic-titanium coating that acts as a natural non-stick surface, which means you won’t need to add in extra oils to prepare your dinner. Owning even just one good fry pan, like the ScanPan Classic 24cm Fry Pan, will greatly improve your cooking experience. Plus, by having a pan that’s equipped to keep food from sticking to its surface, you’ll be even more inclined to stick to your healthier habits.

House of Knives is Here to Help!

Keeping your New Year’s resolutions can be tough, but setting specific goals and outlining ways to reach them is a proven method to stay on track throughout the year. By having the right tools, staying motivated in the long-term, and focusing on small changes in the short-term, you can be sure you won’t end up with the “better luck next year” resolution-ers.

About the Author: Maddisen Dellplain is a recent UBC grad with a passion for all things South America. Among finding the time for salsa dancing, travelling, and freelance writing, Maddi works at the House of Knives on Granville Street. She loves the Arno Bernard knives because it still blows her mind to use the term “Mammoth Molar” in conversation.