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A Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day HeartsSpring is here! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and Mother’s Day… WAIT, MOTHER’S DAY IS ALMOST HERE?

Mother’s Day is on May 8th this year which means that if you haven’t already planned something really special to honour the mothers and grandmothers in your life this Sunday, then you better get cracking! Of course, it can be difficult trying to figure out what mom wants or needs, but we’re hoping to provide you with some to match that perfect gift with your perfect mom. Thus, making you look like the perfect son or daughter.

For the “Flour Power” Baking Mom

You’ve enjoyed mom’s baking more than once, and you can confidently say her pies taste like magnificence in a pastry shell. She bakes because she loves it, and because you love it! So gift her some baking gear this Mother’s Day to make her hobby that much more enjoyable.

These baking sheets are sure to make her life easier, and save her a whole lot of money and time cleaning up. The non-stick fabric liner (left) can be cut and customized for all sorts of bakeware, and the silicone sheet (right) is perfect for almost any baking use. If she doesn’t use these already, trust us, she’s going to love them after use one.
Is Mommy Dearest a bit of a baking thrill-seeker? Get her a creme brulee torch and watch the light turn on in her eyes. This set comes with four ramekins, and who doesn’t like getting a set? There are loads of interesting and tasty things you can create with a culinary torch—just check out what Williams-Sonoma has to say about it.

For the “Outdoor Adventure” Mom

If your mom is one with nature, a camper at heart, or simply loves to be out and about, we’ve got some ideas to help keep her prepared and ready to face the outdoors.

Get mom loaded up with some survival gear like the 30-day lantern, stormproof matches, a fireknife, Learn & Live cards, a floating lighter, a Quench bottle that’ll keep your water ice cold, and loads of other cool things in our outdoor department! Mom will love her new toys, and she’ll love that you want her to be safe.

For the Wine Connoisseur Mom

Your mom is a classy lady, and she knows her wine and fine dining. So what better way is there to celebrate your mother than to gift her a bottle of wine and something she’ll use to enjoy it?

Keep white wines chilled without messing with an ice bucket. This stainless steel chill stick goes inside your wine bottle and keeps the wine at a perfect drinking temperature for over 2 hours. It has an attached aerator so mom can enjoy the flavour and bouquet each glass she pours, and it can be washed, frozen, and reused again and again.

Your mom loves her wine, but her corkscrew is sub-par to put it nicely. Gift her a wine set that has everything she needs. This Savoir Wine Set includes an electric rechargeable corkscrew, a foil cutter, two wine stoppers, a vacuum pump, and a bottle pourer that doubles as a stopper.

For the “Queen of the Kitchen” Mom

Your mom loves to cook, and she’s great at it. But there are some things she just won’t buy herself that you know would make her whistle as she works. Go ahead and surprise her with that thing on her kitchen wishlist this Mother’s Day.

Mom has terrible knives, but she makes them work. Thing is, she shouldn’t have to! Get her a good set of knives, or start small with a chef and paring knife like this Wusthof Creme Ikon set. Good knives make all the difference in a kitchen, and your mom will thank you every day she uses them.



Does you mom always complain about her pan? When you use it, does it burn your eggs even though it says “non-stick”? SCANPAN is the answer to every single qualm you have about frying pans. Go for quality that won’t leave you high and dry after a year or so. With the overwhelming positive response we’ve had about these pans, you and your mom are going to love them so much, you’ll want to buy a whole set.

For the “Self Love and Care” Mom

Your mom is a woman who knows how to take good care of herself and enjoy the little things. Show your mom that you love her by getting her something she can treat herself well with.

Someone who takes good care of their hands is often someone who takes good care of their whole body. If mom likes to get her nails done, get her a quality manicure set for her days outside the salon. This lavender set is made by Dovo, crafted in Solingen—only the best of the best for your mom.

Your mom is conscious of what she puts in her body, and you can always find her with a tea cup nearby. Gift her something that lets her take her tea on the road, like the Quench Glass Infuser Bottle. The bottom compartment has a filter that lets you make loose leaf tea, or put in fresh fruits and spices to create natural flavoured water.

Stop By a House of Knives for More Ideas

We hope this quick last minute guide gets the ideas flowing for that perfect gift. But if you’re still feeling stuck on what to get for the most important woman in your life, we have 17 stores in BC and Alberta that you can stop into for additional inspiration. Our staff are very experienced in helping last minute shoppers like yourself come up with the most amazing gifts.