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The Best Mom Knife of All Time – The Shun Classic 6 Inch Kiritsuke


My mom is a tiny little Asian woman that uses a cleaver that is much too large for her. Next to a bowling ball, it’s probably the most blunt instrument known to mankind despite my efforts to sharpen it for her when I can. And while she still wields it with considerable amount of enthusiasm, smashing her ingredients into submission, I’ve always felt that she’d enjoy cooking so much more if the knife did more of the work for her. If you have a mom to buy for this week that has been using a knife that bludgeons instead of cuts, then you have to get her a Shun Classic 6 inch Kiritsuke.

Unlike conventional 8 inch length chef knives, the 6 inch is perfect for doing pretty much anything in a very easy to manage and non-intimidating size. While my mom fears no huge knife, it scares me she’s using one that just doesn’t stay sharp. As we know, a safe knife is a sharp knife and nothing stays sharper than an extra-hard Shun Japanese forged blade. Plus, it’s also great for smaller hands. Mom’s hands. You know, the ones that changed all your diapers till you were three, and fed you up until you moved out.

Recently, Stephanie Purtle from Shun Cutlery came out to visit us and she was kind enough to run us through some of her reasons why the Shun Classic 6 inch Kiritsuke is such a great addition to your kitchen.

If your mom has a crazy huge knife that might maim, then the addition of a Shun Classic 6 inch Kiritsuke will make things a little less scary and more efficient. Her years of feeding you definitely puts her into Master Chef territory. Plus, its amazing ability to slice effortlessly through boneless meats and vegetables will make dinnertime prep take less time and look less like a full body workout. And she can still keep the big scary knife around for those time when bones do need to be broken.

The Shun Classic 6 inch Kiritsuke is available at all House of Knives locations in BC and Alberta right now.